Sunday 1 July 2012

Facebook Like To Download Widget For Blogger

Do you want to get Quick Facebook likes then, you have arrived to the right place. Through Facebook like to Download script, we can easily force our visitors to like our fan page. In order to get the downloading link for a specific file user would have to like your Fan page because they need that file, and the only way to get the downloading link is to like your fan page. This widget is amazingly overwhelming, when I first saw this widget it attract me like a bee to a honey. Let us start rolling our fingers on our tutorial.

But before we get started, I know you would love to preview the widget so go ahead and  give it a try. Note: If you have already like the page then First Unlike and then again like to test the widget.

Powered by My Blogger Lab

What is Facebook Like to Download?

This widget is created to give you more command on your Facebook fan page by increasing your likes in seconds. This widget purely works on PHP and provides downloading links of a certain file, when someone likes your Fan page. Following are some of its glimpse features.   
  • Allows you to boost your Facebook Likes no matter whether it’s your Page or certain Facebook Post link.
  • Easy to use, SEO optimized while no compromise on Speed.
  • Build with PHP, supports each and every browser i.e. Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet explore, and etc.
  • Easy to optimize, could be implemented on Blogger or any other HTML page in minutes.

How To Insert Like To Download in Blogger:

We will insert this widget in our posts, so users can easily download specific files by liking our page so to do so follow the following instructions.
  • Go To Blogger >> Create a New Post
  • Now Select  HTML Tab and paste the following code there.
<!-- Start of MBL Like to Download Embed Code --><div style="width:520px;"><iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:520px; height:163.5px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe><p style="text-align: center; font-size: 10px; margin-top: 0px;">Powered by <a href="" title="My Blogger Lab" target="_blank">My Blogger Lab</a></p></div> <!-- End of MBL Like to Download Embed Code -->

  1. Replace  with your Facebook Fan Page.
  2. Replace  with the downloading link you want to attach to this widget.
  3. Replace  520px  if you want to adjust the widget of this widget.
  4. Replace  163  if you wish to change the height of your widget.
Remember: You have to do these editing in the HTML tab of your post editor
  • Now after customizing your widget, publish the post and that's it. 

Queries about Facebook Like To Download (You Ask and we answer):

Using This Widget is Against Facebook rules or not?
  • Answer: The answer to this question is pretty clear-cut, and that is a Big NO you don’t need to worry because it is a legal way of getting likes. Facebook is only against those websites which are playing key role in selling fake likes, but in our case a person likes our page because he needs to download the file, which will be only available for download when someone likes the Facebook page.  
We can use this Widget in WordPress?
  • Answer: You can use this widget on any website, which accepts HTML it does not matter whether it is Blogger, WordPress or any other blogging platform.
We can Use Multiple Facebook to Like Widgets in one Post?
  • Answer: Yes without any hesitation feel free to apply as many widgets as you can, there is no restriction.
What's Comming UP:
We hope you have enjoyed the tutorial and just like our former published articles How to Block AdBlocker in Blogger and How To Block IP Address in Blogger. We hope you will give the same response to this one.  This widget is identical to those who hosts lots of Freebie software on their blog. It would help them to increase their fans with an enormous command. If you need any help feel free to shoot your comments till then peace, blessings and happy Liking. 
Facebook Like To Download Widget For Blogger
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