Saturday 28 July 2012

How To Apply For BuySellAds and Get APPROVED

Most of the bloggers and webmasters dreams of getting their hands on fully approved BuySellads publisher account. Whenever it comes to approve a publisher’s account, BuySellads moderators always make sure that you can fulfill all the needs and if you have the potentials then no one can stop you from getting a verified BuySellads account. Still people are not realizing by applying again and again will not going to help instead it will decrease the chances of getting approved. Getting approval from BuySellads is neither straightforward, nor it is extremely difficult you just need to be consistent in each and every department. If you are receiving denials from BuySellads moderators, then you should reconsider your website’s quality and try to work with more dedication. Today we will discuss How to Apply for BuySellads to get approved?

Before you apply for Publisher Please check this : 10 Tips To Get Your Blog Approved By BuySellAds

How To Apply for BuySellads Publisher Account:

The biggest mistake which most of blogger commits is that, they ignore the BuySellads Publisher Form they think it is useless and thus enters incorrect details. For that reason, they never get approved from BSA. So, following are the correct guideline which should be adopted if you want to see your Blog listed in the BuySellads inventory.

Step#1: Registering Your Free Account at
Go to and register your free account by pressing “Sign-Up” you have to insert your details i.e. Email Address, Password and etc. Remember: Insert your correct details because you need to verify your identity.
To finish the registration Agree to their terms and press “Create the account button”. Now within few minutes you will receive an email from BSA to verify your email address.

Step#2 Applying For BuySellads Publisher Account:
After completing the registration Login to your BuySellads account by entering your Email Address and Password (According to BuySellads: when there is money is involved you need to secure your Password). Now Go to select “Small Publisher” then proceed to the next step.

  • Website Title: In this text box, you need to insert your Website/Blog Title but make sure it does not exceed 27 character limits. I would recommend you not to use spaces in your Title i.e. use MyBloggerLab instead of My Blogger Lab.
  • Website URL: Just insert your Website/Blog URL. Remember don’t insert http:// before your URL because BSA has done that already i.e.
  • Description: About 10% of your accounts approval and denial depends on the description which you have inserted. Mostly users don’t care about the description thus without any further explanation they rationally insert little text, which not even relates their Blog. To craft a perfect little description, you need to be concise don’t play around the bushes (make it look smaller but better than others).  Choose brilliant words and describe your Website/Blog in such a way that it is the supreme website. Remember: Description should not be more then 60 to 80 words.
  • Keywords: Although keywords doesn’t matter a lot in SEO anymore but BSA still consider them as the most crucial part of their network. Mostly users take keywords lightly thus they never get approved from BuySellads. Keywords give basic information to the Advertisers, that whether the site relates their niche or not. You need to select the most stylish keywords which not only relate your niche but also have the potential to attract advertisers. Remember: Don’t stuff keywords, just insert 10 to 20 keywords more than that could be considered as spam.
  • Inserting Feedburner, Twitter and Facebook URL: Now just insert your blog’s Feedburner, Twitter and Facebook URL so advertiser gets the certain satisfaction that you have the Social Media exposure (Facebook: minimum 1000 likes, twitter: minimum 500 followers, and Feedburner: More than 50 subscribers).
  • Channel: While apply for BSA publishers don’t care about the Channel, without even seeing they select a certain channel which not even relates their Blog. For instance, I have technology blog, but I selected Sports as my channel and applied for the account. Now when BSA moderators will review your application they would assume that there is something fishy going around.
All Done: Congratulations you have successfully applied for the BuySellads Publisher account just wait few moments and the results will be quite astonishing. Here is the copy of that email which you will receive if your Blog get approved. However, if it gets disapprove don’t be disappointed work with more dedication and fancy your chances again.

Thanks For Applying, We are Willing to let you into our Network 

To create ad placements for the site, log in via and follow these steps:

- Click your email address at the top of the page and click "dashboard"

- Click on the "add some inventory" link and follow the directions.

I hope this helps!
Your Turn:
Alhamdulillah MBL (MyBloggerLab) has become Verified BuySellads Publisher, so if we can do it then you can also color yourself with BuySellads Till then, peace blessings and happy BuySellads.
How To Apply For BuySellAds and Get APPROVED
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