Wednesday 24 October 2012

How To Select an Ideal Niche For a Profitable Blog?

Before, anyone could land in the blogosphere and start his Blogging career he had to select an appropriate NICHE (Category) of his website. A person should make it loud and clear that, he will focus on a certain set of topics because he cannot express himself by blogging something dissimilar to the niche. For Example, A guy started to Blog about Sports, then after few days move to Technology and later ends with Entertainment. This action literally destroys the SEO of a website. If a person is not passionate about blogging, then he should not take this seriously. However, those who want to start a whole career in Blogging and want to continue this for long term then it’s essential to select an appropriate niche. In this article, we will discuss tips that help you in selecting the most desirable for my own blog.

How to Select a Perfect Niche:

A site that has no proper niche is just similar to a Human body without a heart. It’s a thing which makes a website superior to other. Without Niche, a blogger can never expect the traffic flow because it would barely get a visit from any search engine, especially Google. 

Select a Topic That Fascinates Your Passion: 

It’s extremely significant that a person select only those topics that he would love to cover. It doesn’t matters what other is doing you should only select that niche which is your passion. For Example, a person LOVE Technology but the entertainment blogs are in trend. Therefore, he started a website on entertainment. However, in the end due to the lack of interest it proves out to be a wild goose chase. It’s a matter of fact that a guy should find his inner talent and later covert it into his passion (Same goes with the Niche).

Find a Highly Searched Niche:

Few peoples think that is extremely difficult to select a niche that is highly search by users all across the internet. However, if we think from a broad point of view then we came across the conclusion that is pretty much straightforward. For Example, a company is launching a product, but if it’s similar to those products which are already in the market, then no one would fancy their chances by purchasing your product. 
You can use multiple tools to identify which topics are trending on the search engines, especially Google because it holds 70% share. We have created a few lists of tools that would help you to select a proper niche.

Think ABOVE “Technology Blogs”:

Why everyone thinks to start a “Technology Blog” is the only Niche that would bring heaps of targeted visitors. If a person work day and night in curating professional content no matter whatever your niche is, he will get success. Tech based websites do get success in a quick period because it is one of the highly searched keyword. We daily get multiple news updates regarding gadgets and etc. This makes it so easy for a blogger to hire authors and start writing. No Hard Work, nothing just a same news update that is rolling all over the internet. There are tons of technology sites over a million. Therefore, it’s essential to think Above “Technology”.

What are the Niches That a Blogger Should Avoid?

People do waste their precious time by select a niche which prove out to be their biggest mistake. Following are the few niches that we think a blogger should never select. On the other hand, the blogosphere is full of those sites that violate the rules of internet.

  • Pirated Sites: I started my career with a Pirated (Warez) site but later realized that it was the biggest blunder of my whole life. Those who don’t know what does Warez site means? Then let me first create a little background. Pirated website provides Paid software’s for free in a form of crack and etc. 
  • Hacking NICHE:  Hacking is the second most dangerous niche though people search about it like a mad bot. However, hacking blogs failed to get any sponsors. If it is unable to generate any kind of revenue then, tons of visitors are of no use.

From The Editor’s Desk:

These tips are partial because humans minds has numerous new and inspiring ideas that can’t be compute by a machine. People have to identify the hidden talent because every Tom, Dick, and Harry is originated to do something extraordinary. Try to be a leader and lead from the front. Hope these tips would help you in select your site niche. Take a lot care of yourself and your loving family till then peace, Blessings and happy blogging.
How To Select an Ideal Niche For a Profitable Blog?
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