Sunday 14 October 2012

What is Google Page Layout Algorithm? Explanation

Google Page Layout Algorithm Update
Now days, the Google Web spam team has become more dramatic with their Algorithm updates. From time to time, we have witnessed not only old but new Algorithms getting updates. Past Week, was the perfect example of Google’s dramatic approach in which they updated almost three of their search algorithm which includes, Panda 20th, Penguin 3rd and EMD (Exact Match Domain) Updates. This is not the end of the fairy tales, because Google has just bombed webmasters with the Page Layout Algorithm. However, it's not a fatal algorithm when we compare it to Panda and Penguin. The main idea behind it is to keep balance in between the layout and the content of a webpage. Today we will talk about the recent Page Layout update and would also answer whether you should panic from it.

Why Google Rolled out Page Layout Algorithm:

Since, we all know that a webmaster creates a website for the sake of generating a decent revenue from it. However, he didn’t care about the fact that his visitors might get annoy from unwanted advertisements. According to Google, “We are consistently getting so many complaints from our users that when they click on a result they either have to face a website with tons of advertisements or it’s difficult to find the actual content, they aren’t happy with the experience. Users want to read the content straight away rather than scrolling down page past a slew of ads”.

It means that those websites, which are placing ads above the content, would face some serious damage. If you visit a website that has lots of advertisement and slightly less content above-the-fold then it’s not a decent user experience. Such website may not rank well in the Search Results.

We Should Completely Avoid Advertisement?

Placing ads above the content is quite common for websites. Placing ads on such places increases the revenue and an advertiser receives the maximum exposure. The Algorithm change doesn’t affect those sites which are placing ads above-the-fold to a certain degree (Normal). However, it will affect those websites that devote their above-the-fold for their advertisements. This Algorithm tends to improve user experience by giving less importance to those websites that places ads on top, or relevant content is extremely down the page with large block ads.

1st Google Page Layout Algorithm Officially Updated:

We are quite surprised to see that it is the first refreshment because Google may have done this a long time ago. However, this Algorithm refreshment affected less than 1% search quires to a noticeable degree. To protect your site from getting penalize shuffle your content up and push your ads down. Moreover, use Google’s Browser Size Tool to check how your website appears on different dimensions (Resolutions). In the following screenshot, Matt Cutts is confirming about the refreshment. 
If you have decided to update your page layout, Google crawlers will automatically check your page and would report to the web spam team to remove the manual spam. However, you can also use a reconsideration request (After doing changes). You have to maintain patience, because it will take some time, but every single SERP ranking will be back.

From The Editor’s Desk:

Webmasters were in terror because of Pandas, Penguins, EMDs, and now they have to face the music of Page Layout. However, we still feel that these Algorithms could not do anything to your blog, only if you follow the MBL’s Four Blogging Pillars. What do you think about this Page Layout Algo, are you afraid from it? Share your opinion via commenting. Take a lot care of your family till then peace, blessings and Happy Googling.  
What is Google Page Layout Algorithm? Explanation
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