Monday 15 October 2012

Google Emailing Authorship Confirmations To Bloggers

Did you receive an email from Google officials in which they are welcoming you in their Authorship Program? A few weeks ago, many Bloggers and guest writers who have successfully integrated the Google authorship program on their website received an email from Google officials, welcoming them into their authorship program. However, many other verified authors are still guessing why they haven’t received an email for their authorship activation. This thing has created an enormous Buzz among those authors and bloggers who were expecting to get this certain notification. However, many writers have ignored this serious issue. If you are getting confused about the Google authorship email confirmation, then today we will be removing all the doubts that are boggling in your minds.

Why You Didn’t Receive Google Authorship Confirmation Email?

Recently, one of our writers received an Email regarding the Google authorship activation. Firstly, we considered it as a significant thing, but then we realize that this might be a new strategy of Google to remind people that Google+ is a socializing website. However, after collecting some factual evidences we came across the conclusion that it’s not necessary that everyone will receive this certain email. We are still investigating that what is the criteria of it. According to our views, this will not make an enormous difference whether you receive an email or not because it is just a welcoming notification. Here, is the copy of the email which we got from Google.
Sometime when you search a popular personality on Google you might get detail information about that personality at the right side of your screen. We have also attached a screenshot below which will help you in understanding.
Now you will be thinking why we are mentioning this piece of shit, but this thing has a connection with our authorship. With the help of your Google+ Details, we can also see our self in the search results, just like a well-known personality. Though, this function is still under consideration. Therefore, only you can see yourself in the search results. The following screenshots explains everything quite easily.
Now you will be thinking how you can access the same page that we have presented above. You can access the above page by the Following URL. Faizan Ali&tbs=ppl_ids:--106374439082237286396-,ppl_aut:1

  • Make sure you do following Changes “Replace “Syed Faizan Ali” with your Google plus Name 
  • Replace “106374439082237286396” with your Google Plus number id. You can find that id at the end of your G+ Profile URL (
  • Remember: Only you can access this page by logging into your Google+ Account)
Things are Getting to hot up with the Google making lots of changes in their ranking system. This might be the beginning of new Authorship era where you have to develop a spotless reputation to get into the top 10 results. Google is doing something different that’s the main thing as a webmasters perspective. If you are unable to see yourself on the Google search engine, then don’t be dishearten there is always a next time. What is your opinion about the changes? Will this be the end of Search engine optimization? Feel free to share your views.
Google Emailing Authorship Confirmations To Bloggers
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