Friday 30 November 2012

Official Google Panda #22 Algorithm Update: November 21

Are you seeing a significant decrease in your organic traffic? Does a one believe that it is due to the Google Panda algorithm? If yes then, his six senses is bang on target. There were some rumors going around in the Blogosphere about the Panda 22th algorithm which was later on declined by Google. However, on this occasion they have officially confirmed that Panda 22th is finally updated. The Google Panda#22 affected around 0.8% of queries in English all across the globe which proves that it wasn’t a foremost update. On the other hand, many of the webmaster saw a slight decline in their traffic. Today in this article, we will be discussing more about Panda#22 Algorithm and would wrap-up the article with some unique tips.

The Story Behind Panda#22:

About 10 days ago we thought that Google has updated its most dangerous algorithm The Panda update. The news got more serious when we witnessed a spark among the webmasters due to the decline in their organic traffic. However, Google declined by saying that, “We make over 500 improvements to Google Search each year so we can surface high-quality information for our users. However, people may witness a change within 10 days”.  

Those 10 days are passed, and Barry of Seroundtable again emailed Google for more ups about Panda, and this time they have confirm about the refresh. Google told us that, they have updated their Algorithm on 21st of November, less than 2 days when we first emailed them to confirm about the rumors. 

What is coming next, any new Algorithm update?

We don’t think that Google would launch any new algorithm update because they already have four algorithm to take care of i.e. Panda, Penguin, EMD (Exactly Matched Domains) and Page Layout Algo. Well, we believe no one should care about these updates and start to concentrate on quality content. Once, people would give less attention to these Algorithms Google will stop brutalizing bloggers. We are implementing the same technique because Quality matters a lot. 

Some To the point Tips to Survive Google’s Algo: 

Following are the few unique tips and techniques that are essential to follow if any webmasters want to protect him from all kind of Algorithm updates. 

  • No False Backlinks: Instead of wasting time in commenting for the sake of backlinks. Try to write gorgeous content because, content is the only thing that could amuse visitors, and Google too.
  • Be the Leader, Stop Copying content: To be honest, people spends lots of their time in spinning and copying others content. Remember one thing copiers can never be the leaders.

From the Editor’s Desk:

That’s all we have for tonight. Hope everyone would be happy to see an increase in their traffic. This is the first time when Google has rolled out 2 Panda updates in same months, which mean that the time near when we will witness more than 2 updates per month. Whoa! That sounds devastating? Indeed. What are you feelings about this algorithm? Take a lot care till then Peace, Blessings and happy Updating. 
Official Google Panda #22 Algorithm Update: November 21
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