Monday 3 December 2012

Reasons: Why a Content Writer Must Start His Own Blog

Do you think content writing is the most desirable online part-time job? If yes then, it is one of the prime blunders that a person has ever committed in his whole life. There is no doubt that Content Writers earn quite handsome revenue, but they can double their income if they start their own Blog or website. How much a Content writer could earn, hardly $10/article or a maximum $30/ article. Does that is enough; the answer would be an enormous NO. The problem is that they don’t have their own empire to play with because they have committed their whole life for others. To guide content writes on the right side of the path, in this article, we will be discussing some significant reasons that Why a Content Writer Should Start his own blog and starting earning effortlessly. 

Reasons Why Content Writer Won’t Want to Start Their Own Blog: 

Before we get to towards the conclusion that why Blog authors should start their own website, let us first take a look at the Following difficulties that play a significant role in stopping website authors to start their own website.

  • No Idea about Web Developing: An Article writer always thinks that they have no or extremely less Web developing skills. Therefore, they can’t start their own website. To be honest, there is no need of web developing skills if a person knows how to write content with quality and uniqueness then it’s more than enough. 
  • Don’t Know Any Thing About SEO: A content writer always complains that he has no knowledge of search engine optimization. Well, we think there is no need to get too deep because as long as a person is creating Fresh original content then people will automatically link to the article and thus it will increase the SEO automatically.
  • Don’t have Enough Funds: Most of the content writers complain that they don’t have enough earning to afford a hosting. This is one of the most common and the idiotic excuses because nowadays buying a hosting is not a problem anymore. They can use Blogger Platform, which cost nothing, but provides glittering results. It’s all about commitment and hard work. 
  • Starting A New Site is Too Tough: We do accept that starting a whole new website is not a child’s play, but it is not that difficult too. It’s all about writing and maintaining patience. Once a website gets popular it will generate revenue automatically.

Why a Content Writer Should Start Blogging?

Why a Writer should work for himself? Why he should start a blog? All this mind boggling questions could be revolving all-round the brains of content writers. Today in this article, all these questions would be answered. Consider the following meaningful reasons that we have experienced ourselves.

Your website, Your Empire, No one else to Rule except You: 

Whenever a person purchases anything he has a certain satisfaction that no one else can take that thing for him because he knows that, he is the true and the only owner of it. In a similar fashion, when an article writer starts his own website he has the liberty to do anything about it. However, on the other hand, if something is not yours then in a glimpse all the happiness could be blown away that they never existed.

Being a content writer, a person has to face lots of difficulties. He has to complete all the tasks in time, and if he won’t then, his BOSS won’t pay him. A Content writer pretends to be a slave and work for others. Now it’s your choice to build your empire or work for others. 

A Bit Hard work and Bucket Full of Earning:

If a person earns heaps of dollars, then no one would ever care that from where they are coming from everyone will just enjoy its sight. Writers who work for others have significantly low earning, which makes it extremely difficult for them to live a luxurious life. People say, “Money can’t buy happiness”, but scientifically it’s wrong because the whole world is running just to multiple their earning. 
A writer who is working for other website could establish his own blog and could earn quite effortlessly. He can even continue his Freelancing, but once his blogs get a kick start he can enjoy the irresistible experience. We are quite sure that his earning would be doubled.

From The Editor’s Desk:

Things are pretty clear. Now it totally depends on a person whether he is happy with Freelancing want to become a PRO Blogger. This would not only bring fame but will also increase his earning quite impressively. Who knows today’s content writer could become tomorrow’s PRO blogger. Those days are near when you will be hiring content writers for your site. It’s all about dignity and hard work. 
Reasons: Why a Content Writer Must Start His Own Blog
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